Congressman Jerry McNerney addressed the crowd at the Alameda Joint Apprenticeship Training Center (JATC) and echoed the sentiments of the IBEW and NECA "green jobs are coming, and California will lead the way. We must be prepared to meet this challenge and the NECA/IBEW team are perfectly positioned to satisfy these needs through the training curriculum they offer at the JATC."
Pictured (l-r): Don Campbell, Executive Director of Northern California Chapter NECA; Bob Wallace, Founder and President of Energy ETC, Inc.; Congressman Jerry McNerney,House Select Committee Energy and Commerce; Victor Uno, Business Manager/Financial Secretary of IBEW 595.
Bob Wallace emphasized Congressman McNerney's points while describing Energy ETC's commitment to the green movement and his faith in the JATC to provide the skilled labor force his company will utilize to help California lead the charge.