Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Does Your Smart Building Need a Shrink?

Does Your Smart Building

Need a Shrink?

Let’s face it, even the most intelligent people get
confused sometimes.  Why would you expect your
Smart Buildings to be any different?
... read more.

What happens when a Smart Building gets Confused?  Can't remember where it left its keys?  Everything looks normal, vital signs appear to be fine ... but a few pieces of questionable data could cause it to become disoriented.


Critical systems should annunciate alarms, but what about the less critical errors that can occur?  The ones that cause the phone to start ringing.  "What's wrong with my Smart Building?  Does it need a Shrink? A trip to the E.R.?"  Uh Oh!

Your building just needs
a good dose of




- Works with all

Smart Buildings
- Increase NOI
- Keep your budget

under control

- Have happier tenants

- Get more done!

Avoid costly visits to
the Psychiatrist, or
worse a trip to the E.R.

Stories From Our Helpdesk BMS Assurance Saves the Day

Stories From Our Helpdesk
BMS Assurance Saves the Day

Furnace Fails at 3:00am on
a Monday, 42*F Outside

Helpdesk receives BMS alert.  Logs into
BMS to verify problem.  Schedules HVAC
service technician to investigate.

Service technician confirms BMS is calling
for heat, discovers a failed gas valve. 
Installs new part, contacts Helpdesk to
verify proper functional passes.

Building Clouds HVAC is operating properly
by 9:00am.

Minimal impact to tenants.

Multiple HVAC Unit Failures,
More Than a BMS Issue

Helpdesk receives BMS alerts indicating
that multiple HVAC units have gone offline.

Helpdesk contacts the Building Clouds
Facilities Engineer who heads to the site.

Facilities Engineer discovers copper wiring
has been removed from the affected units.

Police take over from here
Free Download - How to Save 25% or More On Building Operating Costs?

Enhance the tenant experience, put control in their hands

An IoT device for Smart Buildings
Works with all major BMS systems, or as a stand-alone App
Hear from some Helpdesk fans
on our YouTube Channel        

What the IoT Means to Facilities Management

Connect without wires using your Wi-Fi
or cellular network.
Connect sub-systems with Bluetooth
sensors. No software programs to setup
or learn.

What the IoT Means to Facilities


  1. A quick and easy way to connect to, monitor,
    and control your equipment.
  2. You don't have to replace and/or install a
    complex BMS.
  3. Access to your system from your Smart Phone
    via a simple App.
  4. For a Free evaluation by one of our IoT
    Engineers, Text #strati-fi to 510.972.4174 .

Get Your Building Connected
Faster, Simpler, and Cheaper
Than Ever Before With the
Internet of Things (IoT)

2017 saw tremendous growth for IoT across all
industries.  As with any new technology, there are
pros and cons to rapid technological advancements. 
For the Facilities Management industry, it means
being able to monitor and control critical equipment
for a very low cost and with a quick installation

Wireless IoT devices for Facilities can be installed
in minutes and then be relocated as your needs

For buildings, IoT devices can be thermostats, lights,
power meters, security cameras, door locks, sensors
for measuring CO2, light level, pressure, temperature,
humidity, just about anything you can think of.

A Building Management System that might have
cost tens of thousands of dollars can now be built-up
or augmented over time for hundreds of dollars.

Get Control of the Systems That
Matter Quickly and Easily

Don't get caught off-guard when equipment failures

happen just because you can't afford to install a
cumbersome and expensive BMS.

Go lite and simple with connected IoT devices.

Building Clouds offers a complete line of IoT devices,
software, and apps to help you get control of your facility,
"Simply Connect".

Don't let your budget cycle stop you, use the savings

from your maintenance and repair budget.

     See the strati-fi in action ....
Read Facilities Management
Use Cases Here

Enhance the tenant experience, put control in their hands
An IoT device for Smart Buildings
Works with all major BMS systems,

or as a stand-alone App                        

For Daily Insights into Commercial Realty Technology, Smart Buildings, IoT and more check us out on social media

For daily insights into
Commercial Realty
Technology, Smart Buildings,
IoT & and more check us out
on social media!        

Example of one of our recent Tweets about

Smart Buildings 

Download Our White Paper  How Smart is Your Building?

Enhance the tenant experience, put control in their hands

An IoT device for Smart Buildings
Works with all major BMS systems, or as a stand-alone App
Hear from some of our
customers on our
YouTube Channel

California Assembly Bill 802 Energy Benchmarking Deadline is June 1st, 2018 Are You Ready to Comply?

California Assembly Bill 802
Energy Benchmarking Deadline
is June 1st, 2018
Are You Ready to Comply?

What does this mean?

Assembly Bill 802 is a statewide
requirement for California.

Building owners must benchmark their

building’s energy usage and report it to
the State.

The State will then publish this data online

so that the public can see how each
building compares to its peers.

Buildings are rated on a scale of 1

(bad) to 100 (excellent).

Tenants who pay their own energy bills

can use these ratings in their decision
to lease.

Do I Have to Do This?

If you own or manage a commercial 
building that is 50,000 square feet
or more, you or your authorized
agent, must conduct and file an
EnergyStar benchmark annually
to comply with AB 802.

Exceptions can be complex, give

us a call with your situation.

This Sounds Complicated,

Who Can Help Me?

Energy ETC has partnered with
CommEnergy, an EnergyStar Partner
with years of experience in commercial
energy management as a Benchmarker
and ASHRAE Energy Auditor.

To discuss further, call 510-487-1876 and

ask for Rick Williams.                        

You can learn more about

California Assembly Bill #802 Here.